
This template defines the table "CreatureStats".

Create data table

Template-info Documentation

Displays the stats of a creature in a table. The template expects the base-value as absolute value and the increase-values as percentages.

Get the values from the devkit-blueprints[]

template-key Blueprint-key
health1 D → Max Status Values
damage1 C → Melee Damage Amount
speed1 D → Taming Max Stat Additions → SpeedMultiplier
healthIncW D → Amount Max Gained Per Level Up Value
torporIncW D → The Max Torpor Increase Per Base Level
healthIncD D → Amount Max Gained Per Level Up Value * Extra Tamed Health Multiplier
staminaIncD D → Amount Max Gained Per Level Up Value Tamed
speedIncD D → Amount Max Gained Per Level Up Value Tamed * Taming Max Stat Additions → SpeedMultiplier
walkBase D → Max Walk Speed
walkSprintW D → Max Walk Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Untamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Un Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Fly is not true)
walkSprintD D → Max Walk Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Tamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Fly is not true)
swimBase D → Max Swim Speed
swimSprintW D → Max Swim Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Untamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Un Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Swim is true)
swimSprintD D → Max Swim Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Tamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Swim is true)
flyBase D → Max Fly Speed (if Can Fly is true)
flySprintW D → Max Fly Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Untamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Un Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Fly is true)
flySprintD D → Max Fly Speed * Running Speed Modifier * Tamed Running Speed Modifier * Extra Tamed Speed Modifier (if Can Fly is true)
canBeCharged Set to yes if this creature has charge stats (Aberration)

C: <creaturename>_Character_BP
D: DinoCharacterStatusComponent_BP_<creaturename>


| creature = <!--optional, defaults to page name-->
| variant = 
| health1 = 
| healthIncW = 
| healthIncD = 
| healthTamingBonusAdd = 
| healthTamingBonusMult = 
| TamedBaseHealthMultiplier = 
| stamina1 = 
| staminaIncW = 
| staminaIncD = 
| staminaTamingBonusAdd = 
| staminaTamingBonusMult = 
| oxygen1 = 
| oxygenIncW = 
| oxygenIncD = 
| oxygenTamingBonusAdd = 
| oxygenTamingBonusMult = 
| food1 = 
| foodIncW = 
| foodIncD = 
| foodTamingBonusAdd = 
| foodTamingBonusMult = 
| weight1 = 
| weightIncW = 
| weightIncD = 
| weightTamingBonusAdd = 
| weightTamingBonusAdd = 
| damage1 = 
| damageAlt1 = 
| damageIncW = 
| damageIncD = 
| damageTamingBonusAdd = 
| damageTamingBonusMult = 
| attackEffectType1 = 
| attackEffect1 = 
| attackEffectDescription1 = 
| chargeBase = 
| chargeStamina = 
| speed1 = 
| speedIncD = 
| speedTamingBonusAdd = 
| speedTamingBonusMult = 
| torpor1 = 
| torporIncW = 
| torporTamingBonusAdd = 
| torporTamingBonusMult = 
| walkBase = 
| walkSprintW = 
| walkSprintD = 
| walkStamina = 
| swimBase = 
| swimSprintW = 
| swimSprintD = 
| swimStamina = 
| flyBase = 
| flySprintW = 
| flySprintD = 
| flyStamina = 
| moveNote = 
| canBeCharged = 


| creature = Dodo
| variant = 
| health1 = 100
| healthIncW = 10
| healthIncD = 15
| healthTamingBonus = +0.5
| stamina1 = 100
| staminaIncW = 10
| staminaIncD = 15
| staminaTamingBonus = 
| oxygen1 = 100
| oxygenIncW = 20
| oxygenIncD = 30
| oxygenTamingBonus = 
| food1 = 100
| foodIncW = 10
| foodIncD = 15
| foodTamingBonus = 
| weight1 = 100
| weightIncW = 10
| weightIncD = 15
| weightTamingBonus = 
| damage1 = 100
| damageAlt1 = 120
| damageIncW = 5
| damageIncD = 10
| damageTamingBonus = +50pp +40%
| inducedTorpor = 3
| inducedTorporAlt = 5
| speed1 = 100
| speedIncD = 2
| speedTamingBonus = 
| torpor1 = 4
| torporTamingBonus = +0.5


Basic Stats
Stats Amount at Level 1 Increase per point Taming Bonus
Wild Domesticated1 Add Mult
Health Health 100 +1000 +300%
Stamina Stamina 100 +1000 +1500%
Oxygen Oxygen 100 +2000 +3000%
Food Food 100 +1000 +1500%
Weight Weight 100 +1000 +1500%
Melee Damage Melee Damage 100 / 1202 +500 / +600 +170%
Movement Speed Movement Speed 100% N/A3 +200%
Torpidity Torpidity 4 +0.24 N/A4

1Percentages are based on the value of the stat the moment the creature was tamed (after taming effectiveness)
2The absolute Base Damage is shown here instead of the percentage.
3Wild creatures do not level up movement speed
4Torpidity increases every level on wild creatures, but can not be increased once they are tamed.

Movement Speed
Movement Type Base Speed Sprinting Stamina Used
Wild Domesticated
Walking ? ? ? ?
Swimming ? N/A N/A N/A
