
Description[ | ]

The Golden Age Ruin in ATLAS are the end game islands of the game.

The animals have a very high level. They can not be tamed and you have a lot of Monster Creatures here.

It is usually the Boss Zone for the bosses in ATLAS. You can find Power Stone in this area too and the Fountain of Youth.

You can place structures, but they decay very fast.

Because of the rapid decay, your ship crew will not repair your ship in this zone.

It is the perfect place to farming the Mythos Mythos resource to build Mythical or Legendary Blueprints

Location[ | ]

The "Golden Age Ruins" across the ATLAS, near Power Stone Containers.

Individual server maps have been removed, as the details change from season to season, please see the Map page for more details on the current seasons.

  • when viewing the in-game map, the colored power stone icon will be shown over the island.

Patch History[ | ]

Patch Notes
207.41 *Decreased the time it takes for Ship of the Damned to respawn on Golden Age Ruin servers by approximately 75% (previously 1 hour, now 15 minutes)
104.33 *Reduced Golden Age creature spawns by 60% and increased their respawn interval by a factor of 3
104.14 Gateways and Gates can no longer be placed in Freeports or Golden Age Ruin servers
  • All servers, other than Golden Age Ruin servers, can be set to home servers, allowing players to respawn at them. (PvP only)

{{quote Game.ini: [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] bDontRequireClaimFlagsForBuilding=1 bIsLawlessHomeServer=1 bForceRequireClaimFlagsForBuildingCannons=true}}

  • This is what we’re enabling on all our non-Golden Age ruin servers, but please note that you must also flag the corresponding grids as homeservers on the servergrid.json
18.84 Fountain of Youth is now available on all Golden Age Ruin servers (we'll be looking at redesigning how this works in the near future)
18.15 *Ships that have been inactive for 3 weeks on PvE servers and Golden Age Ruin servers will now vaporize (tackling the abandoned ramshackle boats/rafts on maps) - Caused unintended ship deletion so was removed and a rollback of about 45 mins done on the PVE servers done.
16.0 Server Launch Option which locks the Fountain of Youth to one Golden Age Ruins server: -AlwaysActiveFountainsOfYouth
6.5 Can now claim enemy ships in Lawless and Golden Age Ruin servers.